We at ACT are always ready to file and follow through on your claim with the carrier(s).
Below is the list of carriers claim contact numbers in case you need to contact them directly.
Carriers Claim Phone Numbers
Allied/Nationwide 800.282.1446
Capital Insurance Group 800 986 9974
California Fair Plan Property 800.339.4099
Employers 800.232.3085
Foremost Property 800.527.3907
GeoVera Earthquake Insurance 800.859.8734
Liberty Mutual 800.362.0000
The Hartford 800.811.4832
Progressive 800 274 4499
Safeco 800.332.3226
Travelers 800.252.4633
Zenith 800.440.5020
California Earthquake Authority (CEA) File a Claim Process
First, make sure you're safe
If a recent earthquake has damaged your home, take these simple steps to file a California Earthquake Authority (CEA) claim:
Below is the list of carriers claim contact numbers in case you need to contact them directly.
Carriers Claim Phone Numbers
Allied/Nationwide 800.282.1446
Capital Insurance Group 800 986 9974
California Fair Plan Property 800.339.4099
Employers 800.232.3085
Foremost Property 800.527.3907
GeoVera Earthquake Insurance 800.859.8734
Liberty Mutual 800.362.0000
The Hartford 800.811.4832
Progressive 800 274 4499
Safeco 800.332.3226
Travelers 800.252.4633
Zenith 800.440.5020
California Earthquake Authority (CEA) File a Claim Process
First, make sure you're safe
If a recent earthquake has damaged your home, take these simple steps to file a California Earthquake Authority (CEA) claim:
- Be safe: First and most importantly, make sure you and your family are safe. Check for injuries and get first aid, if necessary.
- Report your claim: Contact the CEA participating insurance company that issued your earthquake policy as soon as possible. They will assign an adjuster who will inspect the damage. Remember, the first $1,500 in emergency repairs does not have a deductible.
- Document damage: Start a file of names, dates, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for all insurance-related conversations. Take pictures of the damage before you clean it up. Your notes and photos will help support your claim.
- Keep a record: Keep receipts of all earthquake-related expenses. If you've purchased Loss of Use coverage, you'll be reimbursed for additional living expenses incurred if you have to move out of your home while repairs are underway.
- Apply for assistance: If the state or federal government issues a state-of-emergency or disaster declaration, government assistance agencies may set up local recovery centers in your town. Go there to apply.
- Talk to a tax professional: CEA can't give tax advice, but if you have large losses, talk to your tax professional. You could be eligible for a casualty loss deduction on your tax return.